• 电力英语中级题库

Would you please me a favor by lending me your dictionary for several days?( )

[单选题]Would you please me a favor by lending me your dictionary for several days?

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  • The( )was 10 years in prison and a fine of $1000.

    [单选题]The( )was 10 years in prison and a fine of $1000.A.wordB.paragraphC.sentenc

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  • <img style="max-width:95%;height:auto;" src="https://img.zhaotiba.com/fujian/20230

    [判断题]One of the transmission tasks of the optical fiber main network is to trans

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  • <img style="max-width:95%;height:auto;" src="https://img.zhaotiba.com/fujian/20230

    [判断题]Usually the generating plants are very large and located near heavily popul

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  • We forgave his bad temper( )we knew that his son’s illness had put him under great stress.

    [单选题]We forgave his bad temper( )we knew that his son’s illness had put him unde

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  • <img style="max-width:95%;height:auto;" src="https://img.zhaotiba.com/fujian/20230

    [单选题]Which of the following is true according to the article?( )A.Now we have fe

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    [判断题]Electric power industry is generally government-owned and operated.( )A.Rig

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  • <img style="max-width:95%;height:auto;" src="https://img.zhaotiba.com/fujian/20230

    [单选题]Which of the following is necessary to create any type of plastics?( )A.Car

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  • Do not touch anything that runs( )with your wet hands.

    [单选题]Do not touch anything that runs( )with your wet hands.A.electricB.elasticit

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  • <img style="max-width:95%;height:auto;" src="https://img.zhaotiba.com/fujian/20230

    [单选题]The passage is chiefly about( )A.the civilian use of a military detection s

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  • There was nothing( )sand as far as we could see.

    [单选题]There was nothing( )sand as far as we could see.A.andB.butC.soD.then

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  • “( )to Beijing”, Mr.Li said to the foreign friends.

    [单选题]“( )to Beijing”, Mr.Li said to the foreign friends.A.WelcomedB.WelcomeC.Wel

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  • 在PowerPoint2010中,可以对幻灯片占位符的大小、位置、格式进行设定,但无法恢复成默认格式。( )

    [判断题]在PowerPoint2010中,可以对幻灯片占位符的大小、位置、格式进行设定,但无法恢复成默认格式。( )A.对B.错

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  • When one calls a man“Jack”instead of“Mr.Hill”, he is on( )terms with him.

    [单选题]When one calls a man“Jack”instead of“Mr.Hill”, he is on( )terms with him.A.

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  • His failure to pay his debts( )their suspicion that he was not to be trusted.

    [单选题]His failure to pay his debts( )their suspicion that he was not to be truste

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  • ( )is the price of that T shit?

    [单选题]( )is the price of that T shit?A.How muchB.How manyC.WhatD.Which

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  • Despite all the heated( )they had, they remained the best of friends throughout their lives.

    [单选题]Despite all the heated( )they had, they remained the best of friends throug

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  • If a person is exposed to constant noise, he may gradually( )from a loss of hearing.

    [单选题]If a person is exposed to constant noise, he may gradually( )from a loss of

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  • <img style="max-width:95%;height:auto;" src="https://img.zhaotiba.com/fujian/20230

    [单选题]Of the sun’s total output of radiant energy, the earth receives( )A.one ten

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  • 在PowerPoint中,有关自定义动画,以下说法不正确的是( )。

    [单选题]在PowerPoint中,有关自定义动画,以下说法不正确的是( )。A.各种对象均可设置动画B.动画设置后,不能改变动画的播放顺序C.可以设置对象动画

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  • <img style="max-width:95%;height:auto;" src="https://img.zhaotiba.com/fujian/20230

    [判断题]The transmission network can move the power over long distances to its whol

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  • 分类汇总前必须对要分类的项目进行排序。( )

    [判断题]分类汇总前必须对要分类的项目进行排序。( )A.对B.错

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  • The plane from Shanghai was arriving in about( )

    [单选题]The plane from Shanghai was arriving in about( )A.half an hourB.half hour*C

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  • 当利用函数或公式对某些单元格内容( )进行运算后,若数据源的值发生变化,系统( )修改计算结果。

    [填空题]当利用函数或公式对某些单元格内容( )进行运算后,若数据源的值发生变化,系统( )修改计算结果。A.提交答案

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  • When he writes, he always keeps a dictionary( )hand.

    [单选题]When he writes, he always keeps a dictionary( )hand.A.forB.ofC.atD.to

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  • This wealthy lady has a great sympathy( )the poor.

    [单选题]This wealthy lady has a great sympathy( )the poor.A.atB.forC.inD.of

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  • I wanted to make a dress, but I didn’t know how to( )it

    [单选题]I wanted to make a dress, but I didn’t know how to( )itA.turn downB.go thro

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  • <img style="max-width:95%;height:auto;" src="https://img.zhaotiba.com/fujian/20230

    [判断题]It’s reasonable for you to buy proper medical insurance for your trip.( )A.

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  • <img style="max-width:95%;height:auto;" src="https://img.zhaotiba.com/fujian/20230

    [判断题]Employees need to grow and learn in their current jobs.( )A.RightB.Wrong

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  • 上网时,输入IP地址和输入域名都可调出网页。( )

    [判断题]上网时,输入IP地址和输入域名都可调出网页。( )A.对B.错

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