• 电力英语中级题库

You can( )different kinds of people, dictionaries, or maps to find out what you wish to know.

[单选题]You can( )different kinds of people, dictionaries, or maps to find out what

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  • This is the( )factory I worked in ten years ago.

    [单选题]This is the( )factory I worked in ten years ago.A.sameB.likeC.veryD.identic

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  • <img style="max-width:95%;height:auto;" src="https://img.zhaotiba.com/fujian/20230

    [单选题]Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?( )A.The Pro

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    [判断题]Thomas Edison was a great doctor.( )A.RightB.Wrong

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  • The teacher doesn’t permit( )in class.

    [单选题]The teacher doesn’t permit( )in class.A.smokeB.to smokeC.smokesD.smoking

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  • The broadcast came from America by( )and was heard at the same time in Europe.

    [单选题]The broadcast came from America by( )and was heard at the same time in Euro

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    [单选题]What should people have if they want to use mobile banking?( )A.Credit card

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  • The expert you saw at the liaison meeting is a friend of( )

    [单选题]The expert you saw at the liaison meeting is a friend of( )A.meB.IC.mineD.m

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  • <img style="max-width:95%;height:auto;" src="https://img.zhaotiba.com/fujian/20230

    [判断题]Contactors, arc extinguishing elements, insulation material and operating m

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  • The infected girl was( )from the rest of the family.

    [单选题]The infected girl was( )from the rest of the family.A.isolatedB.hatedC.caug

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  • Since the boss of the department wasn’t in, we decided to have a meeting( )

    [单选题]Since the boss of the department wasn’t in, we decided to have a meeting( )

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  • You’d better have your car( )at once, or you will be late for Professor’s lecture.

    [单选题]You’d better have your car( )at once, or you will be late for Professor’s l

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  • With the help of the policeman, the parents( )in touch with their lost child by accident.

    [单选题]With the help of the policeman, the parents( )in touch with their lost chil

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    [单选题]In this passage,“out of sight and out of mind” (Lines 2-3, Para.3) probably

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  • 下列属于局域网特点的是( )。

    [多选题]下列属于局域网特点的是( )。A.局域网具有较高的数据传输速率B.高误码率C.局域网的传输介质单一D.局域网拓扑结构规则

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  • 当有两个或两个以上传输层协议相同的网络进行互联时,必须采用( )。

    [单选题]当有两个或两个以上传输层协议相同的网络进行互联时,必须采用( )。A.路由器B.网关C.集线器D.网桥

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  • 数据库表中的主关键字用于保证表中的每一条记录都是( )的。

    [填空题]数据库表中的主关键字用于保证表中的每一条记录都是( )的。A.提交答案

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  • <img style="max-width:95%;height:auto;" src="https://img.zhaotiba.com/fujian/20230

    [单选题]The word“sympathetic”in paragraph 2 most probably means( )A.harmfulB.agreea

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  • Internet网站域名地址中的gov表示( )。

    [单选题]Internet网站域名地址中的gov表示( )。A.政府部门B.商业部门C.网络服务器D.一般用户

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  • He is the manager of the company.He′s ( ) it.

    [单选题]He is the manager of the company.He′s ( ) it.A.chargedB.taken chargeC.in th

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  • But,what Barbary is all that ( ) to me for the time,I don’t suggest going away.

    [单选题]But,what Barbary is all that ( ) to me for the time,I don’t suggest going a

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  • IP地址采用分层结构,长度为( )字节,由( )和主机地址组成。

    [填空题]IP地址采用分层结构,长度为( )字节,由( )和主机地址组成。A.提交答案

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  • I was learning my lessons( )the radio when she called me up.

    [单选题]I was learning my lessons( )the radio when she called me up.A.inB.atC.toD.o

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  • If the streets had been clearly marked, it would( )us so long to his house.

    [单选题]If the streets had been clearly marked, it would( )us so long to his house.

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  • He supplies them, ( )food and clothing.

    [单选题]He supplies them, ( )food and clothing.A.forB.withC.toD.of

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    [单选题]When there is something wrong with electrical system, electricity will( )A.

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    [单选题]Increase in the temperature of tropical soil( )A.might cause the overflow o

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  • <img style="max-width:95%;height:auto;" src="https://img.zhaotiba.com/fujian/20230

    [单选题]From this selection it seems true that the Atlantic Ocean( )A.is in one tim

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    [判断题]Wind energy can be produced as long as the sun shines and the wind blows.(

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  • Grown-ups should be( )for their own behavior.

    [单选题]Grown-ups should be( )for their own behavior.A.reasonableB.responsibleC.cap

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