
His( )had always been to become an architect.







His( )has always been to become an architect.

[单选题]His( )has always been to become an architect.A.motivationB.ambitionC.imagin

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    [单选题]Some of his suggestions had been rejected ______ they were not practicable.A. asB. whenC. untilD. if

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    [单选题]The girl has awakened the feelings inhim that his thought had been ________

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    [单选题]If the streets had been clearly marked, it would( )us so long to his house.

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  • A spokeswoman forMr. Smith yesterday made it clear that he had been unhappy at his [exclusion].

    [单选题]A spokeswoman forMr. Smith yesterday made it clear that he had been unhappy

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    [单选题]When __________be was he had become a famous artist.A.his early thirtyB.in one’S early thirtiesC.his early thirtiesD.in his early thirties

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    [单选题]H.is brother has become a lawyer, ______ he wanted to be.A. whoB. whatC. thatD. which

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  • In( )to his brother, he was always considerate in his treatment of others.

    [单选题]In( )to his brother, he was always considerate in his treatment of others.A

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  • He had lost his temper and his health in

    [单选题]H.e had lost his temper and his health in the war and never found _________of them again.A.neitherB. eitherC. eathD.all

  • 查看答案
  • His( )had always been to become an architect.