
Directions: In this section, you are required to read one quoted blog and the comments on it.The blog and comments are followed by questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answer A, B, C and D.Choose the best answer and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.

  At SXSW, the tech and culture conference in Austin, London Mayor Sadiq Khan criticized big tech companies and regulators for failing to stem the spread of hate, misinformation and radical viewpoints online.

  The mayor said that governments have been in “dereliction of duty” when it comes to passing regulations to combat the ways technology has negatively affected society.“One of the biggest problems over the last few years is that politicians and governments have just been passive—sitting on their hands—while the tech revolution has happened around them,” Khan said in his remarks.

  Ultimately, he said, it’s up to governments to work with technology businesses and leaders to make sure that technological advancement has the proper checks.

  Social media firms are already under new regulatory pressure in Europe, thanks to German laws enacted in January that will fine companies that don’t take down problematic content within 24 hours of it being reported.

  Khan did not call for this type of regulation but warned that even stricter regulation could be on its way if companies didn’t respond to government concerns.“Ultimately—there must be greater responsibility taken by some tech companies for the impact they’re having on the world.”

  Comment 1:

  Looking at this from the point of view of “industry regulation” is simply flawed.At the core of this, it is individuals who are making choices to “post” each and every time.What our society seems to have lost is a sense of personal responsibility.

  Comment 2:

  It’s not exactly easy to implement laws that targets content online.The bigger issue is that law enforcement simply doesn’t have the resources to act on all these crimes happening on the Internet.

  Comment 3:

  I agree that technology has failed us in at least one very important way: Twitter, Facebook, et al, published and continues to publish untruths and fake “news”, that some people assume are accurate.They must do something.

  Comment 4:

  The companies at issue promote the content being objected to.That is the content that drives their revenues and profits.So self-regulation just never works without the threat of harsh regulation.

  Comment 5:

  Information and Communications Technology (ICT), through its evolution, has generally been perceived as beneficial, furthering progress and the common good.But, ICT has not had the foresight to see how the evolving industry can produce unintended consequences.It’s time for ICT to step up.
What does Khan emphasize with his remarks in the last paragraph?







<b>Directions:</b> In this section, you are required to read one quoted blog and th

[单选题]Directions:In this section, you are required to read one quoted blog and th

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  • <b>Directions:</b> In this section, you are required to read one quoted blog and th

    [单选题]Directions:In this section, you are required to read one quoted blog and th

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  • <b>Directions:</b> In this section, you are required to read one quoted blog and th

    [单选题]Directions:In this section, you are required to read one quoted blog and th

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  • <b>Directions:</b> In this section, you are required to read one quoted blog and th

    [单选题]Directions:In this section, you are required to read one quoted blog and th

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  • <b>Directions:</b> In this section, you are required to read one quoted blog and th

    [单选题]Directions:In this section, you are required to read one quoted blog and th

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  • <b>Directions:</b> In this section, you are required to read one quoted blog and th

    [单选题]Directions:In this section, you are required to read one quoted blog and th

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  • <b>Directions:</b> In this section, you are required to read one quoted blog and th

    [单选题]Directions:In this section, you are required to read one quoted blog and th

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  • <b>Directions:</b> In this section, you are required to read one quoted blog and th

    [单选题]Directions:In this section, you are required to read one quoted blog and th

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  • <b>Directions:</b> In this section, you are required to read one quoted blog and th

    [单选题]Directions:In this section, you are required to read one quoted blog and th

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  • <b>Directions:</b> In this section, you are required to read one quoted blog and th

    [单选题]Directions:In this section, you are required to read one quoted blog and th

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  • <b>Directions:</b> In this section, you are required to read one quoted blog and th