
Many of the local residents left homes to ward off the danger of flooding.








[单选题]I HAVE HEAVY LIST DUE TO FLOODING.的中文翻译是().A .我有关于水舱的结构图表B .由于货物移动我船严重纵倾C .由于货物移动我船严重横倾D . D.由于进水我船严重横倾

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  • During volcanic _____, dark clouds of smoke fill the sky, bringing fears to local residents.

    [单选题]During volcanic _____, dark clouds of smoke fill the sky, bringing fears to

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  • Today there are ()computers in our homes

    [单选题]Today there are ()computers in our homes and offices than there are people who live and work in them.A . lessB . moreC . littleD . lotsof

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  • Every Saturday morning, at 9 am, more than 50,000 runners set off to run 5km around their local park

    [单选题]Every Saturday morning, at 9 am, more than 50,000 runners set off to run 5k

  • 查看答案
  • Every Saturday morning, at 9 am, more than 50,000 runners set off to run 5km around their local park

    [单选题]Every Saturday morning, at 9 am, more than 50,000 runners set off to run 5k

  • 查看答案
  • Every Saturday morning, at 9 am, more than 50,000 runners set off to run 5km around their local park

    [单选题]Every Saturday morning, at 9 am, more than 50,000 runners set off to run 5k

  • 查看答案
  • Every Saturday morning, at 9 am, more than 50,000 runners set off to run 5km around their local park

    [单选题]Every Saturday morning, at 9 am, more than 50,000 runners set off to run 5k

  • 查看答案
  • Every Saturday morning, at 9 am, more than 50,000 runners set off to run 5km around their local park

    [单选题]Every Saturday morning, at 9 am, more than 50,000 runners set off to run 5k

  • 查看答案
  • ‘FLOODING’的意思是().

    [单选题]‘FLOODING’的意思是().A .碰撞B .搁浅C .进水D .爆炸

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  • 检查应急发电机组前,必须先将机组就地控制盘上的OFF-LOCAL-REMOTE选

    [填空题] 检查应急发电机组前,必须先将机组就地控制盘上的OFF-LOCAL-REMOTE选择开关扳到“()”(关断)位置。防止机组在检查期间()而造成人员伤亡事故。

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  • Many of the local residents left homes to ward off the danger of flooding.