
Mother Nature ShowsHer Strength

Tornadoes(龙卷风)and heavy thunderstorms movedacross the Great Lakes and into Trumbull County on Saturday evening. The stormswere dramatic and dangerous.

George Snyder wasdriving the fire truck down Route 88 when he first noticed that a funnel(漏斗状的)cloud was behind him. "Istopped the truck and watched the funnel

cloud. It was about100 feet off the ground and I saw it go up and down for a while.It was movingtoward Bradley Roadand then suddenly it disappeared."Snyder said.

Snyder only saw oneof the funnel clouds that passed through northeastern Ohio on Saturday.In

Trumbull County,a tornado turned trees onto their sides.Sometrees fell onto houses and cars.Other trees fell into telephone and electricalwires as they went down.

Amanda Symcheck washaving a party when the storm began."I knew something was wrong," hesaid. "I saw the sky go green and pink(粉红色).Then it sounded like a

train rushing towardthe house.I started crying and told everyone to go to the basement forprotection."

The tornado caused alot of damage to cars and houses in the area.It will take a long time and muchmoney to repair everything. There was also serious water damage from

thethunderstorms.The heavy rains and high wind caused the power to go out in manyhomes.

The storms causedserious flooding in areas near the river. More than four inches of rain fell inparts of Trumbull County.The river was so high that the water ran into streets

and houses.Manystreets had to be closed to cars and trucks because of the high water. Thismade it difficult for fire trucks,police cars,and other rescue vehicles to helppeople

who were introuble.Many people who live near the river had to leave their homes for theirown safety.Some people reported five feet of water in their homes.Local andstate

officials openedemergency shelters for the people who were evacuated(撤走).The Red Cross served meals tothem.

"This was areally intense storm,"said Snyder."People were afraid.Mother Naturecan be fierce.We were lucky this time.No one was killed".Several peoplewere missing during the storm.



C.Not mentioned



Mother Nature ShowsHer Strength<o:p></o:p></p><p class="MsoNormal "&g