
Shelly hadprepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure ofpassing it on her first [endeavor].


B. attempt

C. purpose

D. desire



Shelly hadprepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure ofpassing it on h

[单选题]Shelly hadprepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could

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  • Shelly hadprepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure ofpassing it on h

    [单选题]Shelly hadprepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could

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  • Shelly hadprepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure ofpassing it on h

    [单选题]Shelly hadprepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could

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  • Shelly had prepared carefully for her bi


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  • She was so ________ in her job that she


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  • She could not [formulate]her ideas in a few words.

    [单选题]She could not [formulate]her ideas in a few words.A.stateB.argueC.inventD.a

  • 查看答案
  • She could not [formulate]her ideas in a few words.

    [单选题]She could not [formulate]her ideas in a few words.A.stateB.argueC.inventD.a

  • 查看答案
  • She could notanswer,it was an [immense] load off her heart.

    [单选题]She could notanswer,it was an [immense] load off her heart.A.naturalB.fatal

  • 查看答案
  • She wished her mother_______ (return) so

    [主观题]She wished her mother_______ (return) soon.

  • 查看答案
  • She was so _____with her job that she didn’t hear someone knocking at the door.

    [单选题]She was so _____with her job that she didn’t hear someone knocking at the d

  • 查看答案
  • Shelly hadprepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure ofpassing it on h