
Work done bymachines has replaced [manual] labor.







The ratio of the work done by the machine_____the work done on it is called the efficiency of the ma

[单选题]The ratio of the work done by the machine_____the work done on it is called

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  • They have done ______work these days.

    [单选题]They have done ______work these days.A.too muchB.much tooC.too manyD.many t

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  • There is still an[immense] amount of work to be done.

    [单选题]There is still an[immense] amount of work to be done.A.muchB.enormousC.litt

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  • Between labor and play______(stand)work.

    [试题]B.etween labor and play______(stand)work.

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  • The factory has done good honour to the

    [单选题]The factory has done good honour to the government and the people around so that visitors come to it______.A. in numberB. in larger numbersC. to the numberD. by number

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  • Of all the work you have done, where hav

    [主观题]Of all the work you have done, where have you been the most successful对于你所做过的所有工作,你认为哪项工作你做得最成功?

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  • Even in a highlymodernized country,[manual] work is still needed.

    [单选题]Even in a highlymodernized country,[manual] work is still needed.A.expressi

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  • Even in a highlymodernized country,[manual] work is still needed.

    [单选题]Even in a highlymodernized country,[manual] work is still needed.A.physical

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  • Even in a highlymodernized country[,manual] work is still needed.

    [单选题]Even in a highlymodernized country[,manual] work is still needed.A.physical

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  • Even in a highlymodernized country,[manual] work is still needed.

    [单选题]Even in a highlymodernized country,[manual] work is still needed.A.expressi

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  • Work done bymachines has replaced [manual] labor.