
I was born in the late twenties on Auburn Avenue in Atlanta, Georgia. I went through the public schools of Atlanta
for a period, and then I went to study at what was then known as the Atlanta University Lab High School for two years. After that school was closed, I went to Booker T. Washington High School. The neighborhood in which I was born was quite ordinary: no one was very rich. Most of the blacks in the neighborhood who had some money lived in a section of the town known as "Hunter Hills". It was a very nice area to be in.
I have a wonderful mother and father. I can hardly remember a time that they ever argue
D. It is quite easy for me to think of love all over the world because I grew up in a family where love was central and where lovely relationships were ever present. It is quite easy for me to develop optimism (乐观主义) about human nature mainly because of my experiences when I was a chil
In my own life I have put together in my character both my father's and my mother's characters. My father has strong determination for good things and my mother is gentle and sweet. Because of the influence of my mother and father, I guess I always have a strong wish to serve the interests of people. I thought I could probably do it better as a lawyer or doctor, but I was slow to make up my min
D. But six months of working with my father after graduation from college gave me all the determination for entering the missionary (牧师工作).
The writer most probably was born between 1925 and 1929.





I was born in the late twenties on Auburn Avenue in Atlanta, Georgia. I went through the public scho