
I never used to go anywhere without the car. I regarded it as an essential part of myself. But when the price of gas doubled in this year, I decided not to use the car except when absolutely necessary.

  For example, I always used to take the car when I went to fetch the papers on Sunday mornings, although our newsagent’s is only 10 minutes,walk away. Now I go on foot.

  I tell myself that I’m not only saving the gas but keeping fit at the same time. It’s all a question of habit really. I’m sure you can get used to anything if you try and already feel that I rely on the car less than I used to.

  Besides, now that we live in the suburbs, I can walk down the road and catch a bus to the office or to any part of the town. We used to live in the country about 15 miles from town and then I would frequently drive to and from twice in one day. That means I would use 15 gallons of oil or more in a week. Now I only need half that amount.

  The trouble is that I am also getting used to the gas prices. They don’t seem so very high to me any more. Perhaps it is easier to get used to expensive gas than it is to doing without the car.
1.When the prices of gas doubled this year, the author decided________

A.to go everywhere without a car.

B.only to take the car to fetch the papers.

C.to use the car when he had to.

D.to go on foot everywhere.



I never used to go anywhere without the car. I regarded it as an essential part of myself. But when