
According to themost recent research on parenting,caretakers tend to use three strategies fordisciplining children.

Power includes theuse of physical punishment such as spanking or the threat of physicalpunishment,but parents can also demonstrate power by taking away a privilegesuch

as using the car,attending a sporting event,or in the case of a very young child,playing with afavorite toy.In spite of the fact that power strategies,especially severephysical

punishment,can causechildren to fear or even hate parents,it's surprising that power remains thestrategy used most often in disciplining children. It's also worth noting that

children who areharshly disciplined in this way tend to be hostile, defiant,and aggressivesocially.

Second in popularityafter power is the withholding of affection.This can take the form of refusalto communicate with a child,threatening to abandon or reject the child,or

otherwise treatingchildren as though they were unworthy of love.Interesting enough,childrendisciplined in this way appear on the surface to be very self-disciplined,even

model children whoare seldom in trouble,but underneath,these same children are generally verynervous,insecure and dependent others to approve of and guide their

evaluation ofbehavior.

Finally,managementtechniques are employed for discipline.These begin with a set of rules that areclearly expressed at an age-appropriate level. To enforce the rules,parents

use a combination ofpraise and approval with explanation and reasoning,always referring back to therules.

But regardless ofthe strategy,the behavior that has precipitated punishment should be clearlyunderstood,and the consequences should be consistent. Key to any kind of

discipline is apattern of consistency so that children understand the relationship between therules,their behavior,and the consequences.

Which of thefollowing statements is NOT true?

A.Power strategiesare used by a lot of parents because it's very effective way to disciplinechildren.

B.Some children mayappear to he very self-disciplined but actually very nervous and insecure.

C.Consistency isvery important to any kind of discipline.

D.The rules parentsset for their children should be age-appropriate.



According to themost recent research on parenting,caretakers tend to use three strategies fordiscipl

[单选题]According to themost recent research on parenting,caretakers tend to use th

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  • According to themost recent research on parenting,caretakers tend to use three strategies fordiscipl

    [单选题]According to themost recent research on parenting,caretakers tend to use th

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  • According to themost recent research on parenting,caretakers tend to use three strategies fordiscipl

    [单选题]According to themost recent research on parenting,caretakers tend to use th

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  • According to themost recent research on parenting,caretakers tend to use three strategies fordiscipl

    [单选题]According to themost recent research on parenting,caretakers tend to use th

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  • According to themost recent research on parenting,caretakers tend to use three strategies fordiscipl

    [单选题]According to themost recent research on parenting,caretakers tend to use th

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  • According to themost recent research on parenting,caretakers tend to use three strategies fordiscipl

    [单选题]According to themost recent research on parenting,caretakers tend to use th

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  • According to themost recent research on parenting,caretakers tend to use three strategies fordiscipl

    [单选题]According to themost recent research on parenting,caretakers tend to use th

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  • According to themost recent research on parenting,caretakers tend to use three strategies fordiscipl

    [单选题]According to themost recent research on parenting,caretakers tend to use th

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  • According to themost recent research on parenting,caretakers tend to use three strategies fordiscipl

    [单选题]According to themost recent research on parenting,caretakers tend to use th

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  • According to themost recent research on parenting,caretakers tend to use three strategies fordiscipl