
Women's minds workdifferently from men's.At least,that is what most men are convinced of.Psychologists view the subject either as a matter of frustration or a joke.Now

the biologists havemoved into this minefield,and some of them have found that there are realdifferences between the brains of men and women.But being different,they

point outhurriedly,is not the same as being better or worse.

There is,however,adefinite structural variation between the male and female brain.The differenceis in a part of the brain that is used in the most complex intellectual

processes一the link between the two halves of thebrain.

The two halves arelinked by a trunk line of between 200 and 300 million nerves,the corpuscallosum.Scientists have found quite recently that the corpus callosum in women

is always larger andprobably richer in nerve fibres than it is in men.This is the first time that astructural difference has been found between the brains of women and men and

it must have somesignificance.The question is"What?",and,if this difference exists,arethere others?Research shows that present-day women think differently and behave

differently frommen.Are some of these differences biological and inborn,a result ofevolution?We tend to think that is the influence of society that produces these

differences.Butcould we be wrong?

Research showed thatthese two halves of the brain had different functions,and that the corpuscallosum enabled them to work together. For most people,the left half is used

for word-handling,analytical and logical activities;the right half works on pictures,patterns andforms.We need both halves working together. And the better the

connections,the moreharmoniously the two halves work.And,according to research findings,women havethe better connections.

But it isn't allthat easy to explain the actual differences between skills of men and women onthis basis.In schools throughout the world girls tend to be better than boys

at"languagesubjects" and boys better at maths and physics.If these differencescorrespond with the differences in the hemispheric trunk line,there is anunalterable distinction

between the sexes.

We shan't know for awhile,partly because we don't know of any precise relationship betweenabilities in school subjects and the functioning of the two halves of the

brain,and we cannotunderstand how the two halves interact via the corpus callosum.But thisstriking difference must have some effect and,because the difference is in the

parts of the braininvolved in intellect,we should be looking for differences in

intellectualprocessing. At the end of thepassage the author proposes more work on the effects of the corpus callosum.



C.Not mentioned



Women's minds workdifferently from men's.At least,that is what most men are convinced of.P

[单选题]Women's minds workdifferently from men's.At least,that is what most men are

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  • Women's minds workdifferently from men's.At least,that is what most men are convinced of.P

    [单选题]Women's minds workdifferently from men's.At least,that is what most men are

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  • Women's minds workdifferently from men's.At least,that is what most men are convinced of.P

    [单选题]Women's minds workdifferently from men's.At least,that is what most men are

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  • Women's minds workdifferently from men's.At least,that is what most men are convinced of.P

    [单选题]Women's minds workdifferently from men's.At least,that is what most men are

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  • Women's minds workdifferently from men's.At least,that is what most men are convinced of.P

    [单选题]Women's minds workdifferently from men's.At least,that is what most men are

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  • Women's minds workdifferently from men's.At least,that is what most men are convinced of.P

    [单选题]Women's minds workdifferently from men's.At least,that is what most men are

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  • Women's minds workdifferently from men's.At least,that is what most men are convinced of.P