
He picked a book from the bookshelf and then (commenced) to read.







He cannot answerthis question [at once],but can find the answer to it from that book.

[单选题]He cannot answerthis question [at once],but can find the answer to it from

  • 查看答案
  • That book is well ____________ (值得) read

    [试题]That book is well ____________ (值得) reading. You’d better read it.

  • 查看答案
  • He said he would soon return the book to

    [试题]H.e said he would soon return the book to you.(改为一般疑问句)

  • 查看答案
  • ——I’ve read another book this week .——We

    [单选题]——I’ve read another book this week .——Well, maybe is not how much you read but what you read that counts .A. .thisB. thatC. thereD. it

  • 查看答案
  • He bought the book __________ $20.

    [单选题]H.e bought the book __________ $20.A.inB.underC.forD.above

  • 查看答案
  • ?Read this part of a note from Emma Jack

    [单选题]? Read this part of a note from Emma Jackson, boss of a French travel agency.We are thinking of printing a brochure to introduce tourist attractions and accommodation facilities in Europe. Please contact the major hotels and scenic spots and the like

  • 查看答案
  • He traveled to the Northern part of the country, _____he got many newideas for this book.

    [单选题]He traveled to the Northern part of the country, _____he got many newideas

  • 查看答案
  • He read the paper several times but be s


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  • He sets out his ideas clearly in this book.

    [问答题]He sets out his ideas clearly in this book.

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  • He is neither __________European, nor __________ American. He is from__________Australia.

    [单选题]He is neither __________European, nor __________ American. He is from______

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  • He picked a book from the bookshelf and then (commenced) to read.