
The [brave] shopkeepershowed no fear of the armed robber.







The [brave]shopkeeper showed no fear of the armed robber.

[单选题]The [brave]shopkeeper showed no fear of the armed robber.A.timidB.violentC.

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    [单选题]My legs [trembled]with fear.A.weptB.criedC.quiveredD.ran

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    [单选题]紧急出口灯”NOT ARMED”灯何时亮()?A .只有当紧急出口灯电门在”OFF”位时B .只有当紧急出口灯电门在”ON”位时C .当紧急出口灯电门护盖盖下时D .上述A或B

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    [单选题]His stomach felt hollow with fear.A . sincereB . respectfulC . terribleD . empty

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    [单选题]Her voice is [trembling]because of fear.A.whisperingB.stumblingC.shakingD.h

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  • The [brave] shopkeepershowed no fear of the armed robber.