
Historians of the war can be divided into two schools. The first considers that it was the unavoidable outcome of conflicting  1 between Northern and Southern  2 . The second blames it  3 political leaders for  4 to avert an unnecessary war.
  Analysts are also divided on whether the issue of slavery was the  5 cause of the war, or a symptom of other, more  6 differences—especially sectional interests and the doctrine of states ' rights—between the North and South which had been  7 since the  8 of the American republic.
  The fundamental  9 was economic. In the early 1840s the Northern states began the process of  10 , modernizing their society to meet the demands of economic change. In        11 , the slogan of Abraham Lincoln's  12 party, “free labor, free land, free man” encapsulated the ideology of valuing the freedom of individuals to grasp the opportunity for economic self advancement in a booming, expanding society.
  The Southern states remained stubbornly  13 both economically and socially. It was a backward-looking way of life of tall white mansions on great  14 dependent on a labor system which made slaves of approximately 4 million black Americans.
  America was  15 divided by economic structure, and was led into fratricidal warfare by a series of political clashes. The most common cause was the future of the West. The crises over California's admission in 1850 and over Kansas-Nebraska in 1854 were  16 of the divergent economic interests of North and South in relation to the West.
  The North wanted free land for independent labor in the same new territories where the South  17 to perpetuate its traditional way of life by  18 slavery. The issue was not the slavery already practiced, but the  19 of its extension  20 the West.







Historians of the war can be divided into two schools. The first considers that it was the unavoidab

[单选题]Historians of the war can be divided into two schools. The first considers

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  • Historians of the war can be divided into two schools. The first considers that it was the unavoidab

    [单选题]Historians of the war can be divided into two schools. The first considers

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  • Historians of the war can be divided into two schools. The first considers that it was the unavoidab

    [单选题]Historians of the war can be divided into two schools. The first considers

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  • Historians of the war can be divided into two schools. The first considers that it was the unavoidab

    [单选题]Historians of the war can be divided into two schools. The first considers

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  • Historians of the war can be divided into two schools. The first considers that it was the unavoidab

    [单选题]Historians of the war can be divided into two schools. The first considers

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  • Historians of the war can be divided into two schools. The first considers that it was the unavoidab

    [单选题]Historians of the war can be divided into two schools. The first considers

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  • Historians of the war can be divided into two schools. The first considers that it was the unavoidab

    [单选题]Historians of the war can be divided into two schools. The first considers

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  • Historians of the war can be divided into two schools. The first considers that it was the unavoidab

    [单选题]Historians of the war can be divided into two schools. The first considers

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  • Historians of the war can be divided into two schools. The first considers that it was the unavoidab

    [单选题]Historians of the war can be divided into two schools. The first considers

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  • Historians of the war can be divided into two schools. The first considers that it was the unavoidab

    [单选题]Historians of the war can be divided into two schools. The first considers

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  • Historians of the war can be divided into two schools. The first considers that it was the unavoidab