
The game requiresus to find out two [simple] but effective ways to solve this problem.


B. clever

C. stupid




The game requiresus to find out two [simple] but effective ways to solve this problem.

[单选题]The game requiresus to find out two [simple] but effective ways to solve th

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  • The game requiresus to find out two [simple] but effective ways to solve this problem.

    [单选题]The game requiresus to find out two [simple] but effective ways to solve th

  • 查看答案
  • There are[various] ways of solving the problem.

    [单选题]There are[various] ways of solving the problem.A.variedB.changedC.different

  • 查看答案
  • The harder Itried, _____ it seemed to solve that math problem.

    [单选题]The harder Itried, _____ it seemed to solve that math problem.A.the impossi

  • 查看答案
  • The harder Itried, _____it seemed to solve that math problem.

    [单选题]The harder Itried, _____it seemed to solve that math problem.A.the impossib

  • 查看答案
  • I tried hard, but I couldn’t find the _____to the problem.

    [单选题]I tried hard, but I couldn’t find the _____to the problem.A.solutionB.helpC

  • 查看答案
  • 第三部分:词汇与语法<br/>Every means______been tried to solve the difficult problem.

    [单选题]第三部分:词汇与语法Every means______been tried to solve the difficult problem.A.have

  • 查看答案
  • Weeping and wailing ____________ nothing towards solving the problem.

    [单选题]Weeping and wailing ____________ nothing towards solving the problem.A.does

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  • His experience abroad provides a wider __________on the problem.

    [单选题]His experience abroad provides a wider __________on the problem.A.privilege

  • 查看答案
  • 30. In order to solve the problem of wat

    [单选题]30. In order to solve the problem of water shortage,we' have to________.a. make use of sea water on the earthb. save as much fresh water as possiblec. reuse the water from large citiesd. stop people from,using watere. only use the 3% of the water on

  • 查看答案
  • The game requiresus to find out two [simple] but effective ways to solve this problem.