
Sorry to trouble you.

A.It's a pleasure.

B.I don't think so.

C.I don't care.

D.Excuse me.



I’m sorry to trouble you.<br/>______________.

[单选题]I’m sorry to trouble you.______________.A.The same to youB.What a pity! I’m

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    [单选题]Sorry to give you so much trouble. - _________A.I think so.B.Oh, I'm sorryC

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    [单选题]Nice to meet you.______________.A.Fine, thank you. B.How are you? C.Nice to

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    [单选题]Oh, sorry to bother you. __________.A.That's Okay.B.No, you can'tC.That's g

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    [单选题]Sorry to have kept you waiting.______________.A.That’s OKB.What are you doi

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    [单选题]I couldn't have done it without you.- _________A.It doesn't matter.B.You ar

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    [单选题]I am so sorry to interrupt you again. - _________A.That's good.B.It's all r

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    [单选题]If you don’t want to get wet,you had better()thisumbrella with you.如果你不想被淋湿

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  • Sorry to trouble you.<br/>______________.