
John Parker is an English language teacher. He was always good at languages at school, so he decided to take his degrees in French and German. When he finished his university studies, he began teaching in a secondary school in
D. Two years later, however, he met someone by chance who offered him a job teaching English to foreign students during summer holidays. His students were adults and he enjoyed the work enormously. He soon found he was more interested in teaching his own language to foreigners than in teaching foreign languages to English schoolboys.
Since then he has specialized in this work. He has found that one of the advantages of the job is that it enables him to find work almost everywhere in the worl
D. First he went to Africa for two years and then he spent a year in Asia. After this he went to Italy where he has worked for the last two years. He hasn’t been to Arabia yet, but he intends to go there next. He has taught men and women of all ages and of various nationalities. He has also learned to get on with all kinds of people and to get used to different ways of life. He likes this way of life and has never regretted his decision to follow this career.
From the passage, we know for sure that John Parker worked very hard at French and German at school.





John Parker is an English language teacher. He was always good at languages at school, so he decided