
Save Pandas

With theSwitzerland-based World Wildlife Fund(WWF),China is making a concerted anddedicated

effort to save theendangered pandas.The results,officials here in Chengdu indicate,are mixed but encoura-

ging.A cleardisappointment is the failure to breed pandas in captivity,necessary if theirdecreasing numbers

are to bereplaced.Another failure has been the incapability to find a natural,readilyavailable food to replace

the arrow bamboo.

Despite thesefailures,success has come on two fronts.One achievement has been the physicalrescue

effort. Some pandashave been kept alive by salting(空投)the mountains with tons of cooked meat , which

pandas will eat as asubstitute for bamboo,and by the planting of new bamboo in isolatedareas.Animals in

some Sichuan areas have beenrescued by local peasants and given emergency treatment by animal doctors.

A second achievementis a massive fund-raising effort.Publicity about the pandas plight has resultedin

a new$100,000emergency allocation by the WWF and independent fund drives both in China andabroad.

In spite of thissupport,there have been conflicts in the panda relief program.One importantproblem is

the difficultyPeking is having balancing the recommendations of environmentalists with China'sambitious

goal of agriculturaland industrial modernization.

Wolong is but oneexample of this difficulty.This 494,000-acre preserve was declared a protectedarea

in 1975.Yet 1,800people,mostly Tibetans,still live in the preserve,logging trucks still rolldown the

narrow mountainroads,and blasting work still goes on at the site of a new 160,000-kilowatt hydroelectric

plant just six milesaway.

This all means thatthe pandas'fight for survival will not be an easy one,even with the concertedeffort

of man. For in theend,even if they can survive the dangers of the wild,they must still contendwith man


It can be inferredfrom the passage that_________.

A.Switzerland isthe country that contributes in the panda relief program

B.the survival ofpandas is an international concern

C.it is too late torescue the endangered pandas

D.the lovely pandaswill soon die out



Save Pandas<o:p></o:p></p><p class="MsoNormal ">With theSwitzerlan