
American Sports

The United States is a sports-loving nation.Sportsin Americatake a variety of forms;organized competitive struggles,which draw huge crowdsto cheer their favorite team to

victory;athleticgames,played for recreation anywhere sufficient space is found;and hunting andfishing.Most sports are seasonal,so that what is happening in sports depends

upon the time ofyear. Some sports are called spectator sports,as the number of spectatorsgreatly exceeds the number playing in the game.

Baseball is the mostpopular sport in the US.It is played throughout the spring and summer, andprofessional baseball teams play well into the fall.Although no other game is

exactly likebase-ball,perhaps the one most nearly like it is the English game of cricket.

Football is the mostpopular sport in the fall.The game originated as a college sport more than 75years ago.It is still played by almost every college and university in the

country,and thefootball stadiums of some of the largest universities seat as many as 80,000people.The game is not the same as European football or soccer. In American

football there are11 players on each team,and they are dressed in padded uniforms andhelmets,because the game is rough and injuries are likely to occur.

Basketball is thewinter sport in American schools and colleges.Like football,basketballorigi-nated in the USand is not popular in other countries.Many Americans prefer it

to football becauseit is played indoors throughout the winter and because it is a faster game.Itis a very popular game with high schools,and in more than 20 states,state-wide

high school matchesare held yearly.

Other spectatorsports include wrestling,boxing,and horse racing.Although horse-racing fanscall themselves sportsmen,the accuracy of term is questionable,as only the

jockeys who ride thehorses in the races can be considered athletes.The so-called sportsmen are thespectators,who do "not assemble"primarily to see the horse race,butto bet

upon the outcome ofeach race.Gambling is the attraction of horse racing.Horse-racing fanscannot be considered sportsmen because they are spectators whose primaryinterest is gambling.



C.Not mentioned



American Sports<o:p></o:p></p><p class="MsoNormal ">The <st1:co