
Men Too May SufferFrom Domestic Violence Nearly three in 10 men have experienced violence at thehands of an intimate partner during their lifetimes,according to one of

the few studies tolook_______(51)domestic violence and health among men. “Many men actually doexperience domestic violence,although we don't hear about it _______

(52),”Dr. RobertJ.Reid of the University of Washington inSeattle,one of the study's authors,told Reuters Health.“They often don'ttell_______(53)we don't ask.We want to

get the message outto men who_______(54)experience domestic violence that they are not alone andthere are resources available to ______(55).” The researchers asked

study participantsabout physical abuse and non-physical_______ (56)such as threats that madethem_______(57)for their safety,controlling behavior(for ex-ample,being told

who they couldassociate with and where they could go),and constant name-calling. Among men 18to 54 years old,14.2 percent said they had experienced intimate partner

_______(58)in thepast five years,while 6 .1 percent reported domestic violence in the previ-ousyear. Rates were lower for men 55 and_______(59),with 5 .3 percent

reporting violencein the past five years and 2 .4 percent having experienced it in the past 12months. Overall,30 .5 percent of men younger than 55 and 26 .5 percent of older

men said they hadbeen victims of_______(60)violence at some point in their lives.About half ofthe violence the men_______(61)was physical. However,the physical

violence menreported wasn't as harsh as_______(62)suffered by, women in a previous study;20 percent to 40 percent of the men rated it as severe,compared to 61 percent

of______(63). Menwho reported experiencing domestic violence had more emotional and mentalhealth problems_______(64)those who had not,especially older


A.. and

B. but

C. yet

D. unless



Men Too May SufferFrom Domestic Violence Nearly three in 10 men have experienced violence at thehand