
Some of the mostcommonly used medicines for high blood pressure are drugs called ACE inhibitors(抑制剂).Doctors have given these drugs topatients for twenty-five

years.A governmentstudy in the United Statesfound that the use almost doubled between 1 995 and 2000.

2.Doctors have knownfor years that women should not take ACE inhibitors during the last six monthsof pregnancy(怀孕).Themedicine can injure the bahy.ACE

inhibitors,though,havebeen considered safe when taken during the first three months.But a new studyhas found that women who take these drugs early in their pregnancy

still increase therisk of hirth disorders(先天性疾病).Thestudyshowsthat,comparedtoothers,theirbabieswerealmostthreetimesaslikelyto be horn with major problems.These

included problemswith thefo朋ation of thebrain and nervous system and holes in the heart.

3.The researcherssay they found no increased risk in women who took other blood pressuremedicines during the first three months.Researchers at Vanderbilt Universityin

Tennessee and Boston Universitydid the study. The New England Journal of Medicine published the results.Theresearchers studied the records of almost thirty thousand

births between 1985and 2000.Two hundred nine babies were born to women who took ACE inhibitorsduring the first three months of their pregnancies.Eighteen of the

babies,or almostnine percent,had major disorders.

4.ACE inhibitors areoften given to patients with diabetes(糖尿病).But diabetes during pregnancy can result in birth defects(先天性缺陷).So the study did not include

any women known tobe diabetic. ACE inhibitors suppress a protein called angiotensin-convertingenzyme(血管紧张素转化酶),or ACE.This enzyme produces a

chemical in the bodythat makes blood passages narrow. The drugs increase the flow of blood,sopressure is reduced.

5.New drugs aretested on pregnant animals to see if they might cause birth defects in humans.But experts say these tests are not always dependable.The United States Food

and DrugAdministration helped pay for the study.The FDA says women who might becomepregnant should talk with their doctor about other ways to treat high blood



A.Effects of ACE andACE inhibitors

B.Wide use of ACEinhibitors

C.How to deal withhigh blood pressure in pregnant women

D.Damage to pregnantwomen's future babies

E.Suggestions onstopping the use of ACE inhibitors



Some of the mostcommonly used medicines for high blood pressure are drugs called ACE inhibitors(抑制剂)

[单选题]Some of the mostcommonly used medicines for high blood pressure are drugs c

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  • Some of the mostcommonly used medicines for high blood pressure are drugs called ACE inhibitors(抑制剂)

    [单选题]Some of the mostcommonly used medicines for high blood pressure are drugs c

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  • Some of the mostcommonly used medicines for high blood pressure are drugs called ACE inhibitors(抑制剂)

    [单选题]Some of the mostcommonly used medicines for high blood pressure are drugs c

  • 查看答案
  • Some of the mostcommonly used medicines for high blood pressure are drugs called ACE inhibitors(抑制剂)

    [单选题]Some of the mostcommonly used medicines for high blood pressure are drugs c

  • 查看答案
  • Some of the mostcommonly used medicines for high blood pressure are drugs called ACE inhibitors(抑制剂)

    [单选题]Some of the mostcommonly used medicines for high blood pressure are drugs c

  • 查看答案
  • Some of the mostcommonly used medicines for high blood pressure are drugs called ACE inhibitors(抑制剂)

    [单选题]Some of the mostcommonly used medicines for high blood pressure are drugs c

  • 查看答案
  • Some of the mostcommonly used medicines for high blood pressure are drugs called ACE inhibitors(抑制剂)

    [单选题]Some of the mostcommonly used medicines for high blood pressure are drugs c

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  • ACE抑制剂作用机制是()

    [多选题] ACE抑制剂作用机制是()A . 扩张血管B . 抑制交感神经兴奋C . 改善延缓心室重塑D . 以上都不对E . 强大的排钠保钾作用

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  • ACE抑制剂作用机制是


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  • ACE抑制剂作用机制是


  • 查看答案
  • Some of the mostcommonly used medicines for high blood pressure are drugs called ACE inhibitors(抑制剂)