
Daisy Williamsadmits genes play some role in the way she looks,but believes diet is animportant factor."It doesn't matter how good the genes are if you don'teat properly

and take care ofyour-self,"she says."If you want to look good,get plenty ofrest,exercise every day,eat mostly raw fruits and vegetables and quitworrying."

Nowhere do the signsof aging manifest themselves more clearly than in the condition of the skin.When your weight fluctuates(波动),the skin stretches with each up

cycle , but it maynot completely shrink back to its original size in the down cycle. As aresult,the skin may sag(松弛下垂).

Zinc and vitamin Aare important for normal,healthy skin.Zinc helps the skin repair itself, and vitaminA aids in keeping skin supple,preventing dryness and helping shed

dead cells.Goodsources of zinc are beef,eggs and seafood,while many dark-green leafyvegetables are rich in beta carotene(胡萝卜素), which the body converts to

vitamin A.

Vitamin C helpsimprove the blood supply to the skin and aids in forming collagen(胶原). Good sources of vitamin C includecitrus fruits and juices,cauliflower,snow

peas,red and greenpeppers,broccoli,white and sweet potatoes, tomatoes,watermelon,and honeydewmelon.

How food is preparedmatters too.The longer vegetables cook,the greater the loss of vitamins. Don'tsoak vegetables when washing them,since water-soluble vitamins such as

C will be lost.

Good generalnutrition is essential to maintaining a healthy,youthful appearance.And the keyto good general nutrition is balance.Proteins should make up roughly 10 percent

of your dailycalorie intake;no more than 30 percent should come from fats;and the remainingcalories should come mostly from complex carbohydrates(碳水化合物).The longervegetables cook,the greater vitamin C remains.



C.Not mentioned



Daisy Williamsadmits genes play some role in the way she looks,but believes diet is animportant fact

[单选题]Daisy Williamsadmits genes play some role in the way she looks,but believes

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  • Daisy Williamsadmits genes play some role in the way she looks,but believes diet is animportant fact

    [单选题]Daisy Williamsadmits genes play some role in the way she looks,but believes

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  • Daisy Williamsadmits genes play some role in the way she looks,but believes diet is animportant fact

    [单选题]Daisy Williamsadmits genes play some role in the way she looks,but believes

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  • Daisy Williamsadmits genes play some role in the way she looks,but believes diet is animportant fact

    [单选题]Daisy Williamsadmits genes play some role in the way she looks,but believes

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  • Daisy Williamsadmits genes play some role in the way she looks,but believes diet is animportant fact

    [单选题]Daisy Williamsadmits genes play some role in the way she looks,but believes

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  • Daisy Williamsadmits genes play some role in the way she looks,but believes diet is animportant fact

    [单选题]Daisy Williamsadmits genes play some role in the way she looks,but believes

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  • Daisy Williamsadmits genes play some role in the way she looks,but believes diet is animportant fact