
In one sense,anallowance is a child's share of the family income.It can be a good experiencethat parents can provide for their children.The amount should be what thefamily

can afford.It shouldbe given to the youngsters to do with as they please,but not be used as a toolto win the youngsters' good behaviors.

An allowance is nota bribe.It should be thought of as a learning tool,giving the youngstersfirsthand experience in learning how to spend money. It can teach them how toget

the best value forwhat they buy,helping them use their skills in arithmetic.

Many youngsters makemistakes and buy unwisely at first. Some rush out to spend all their money themoment they get it.They forget that once it is spent,there will be no

more for severaldays.From such haste,youngsters can learn how to choose wisely and spendcarefully.

Parents need to knowwhen to begin to give an allowance and how much to give.When a youngster startsschool,he/she may want it,because his/her friends receive one.A

good time forconsidering it may be when a youngster makes daily requests for ice cream orcandy.This will help him/her to see the value of money.

At first a youngstermay receive only half an allowance but get it twice a week.This would helpsomeone find a full week too long. She will soon figure out that she can have

two candy bars thisweek,or save for two weeks to buy a toy,learning that she cannot have themboth.

A wise parent won'tcontrol the child's buying. By making her own mistakes with her own money,thechild is more apt to learn from her mistakes.An allowance should not be

taken away aspunishment for bad behavior,nor as pay for doing household chores(杂务).

A youngster shouldbe encouraged to be generous,helping her see that money isn't everything. Noamount of money can buy friendship.Things such as love and respect do not

have a price tag.

What is a signthat patents should begin to give their children an allowance?

A.When a child knowsthe value of money.

B.When a child isten years old.

C.When a child knowshow to buy toys.

D.When a childrequires candy everyday.



In one sense,anallowance is a child's share of the family income.It can be a good experiencetha

[单选题]In one sense,anallowance is a child's share of the family income.It can be

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  • In one sense,anallowance is a child's share of the family income.It can be a good experiencetha

    [单选题]In one sense,anallowance is a child's share of the family income.It can be

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  • In one sense,anallowance is a child's share of the family income.It can be a good experiencetha

    [单选题]In one sense,anallowance is a child's share of the family income.It can be

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  • In one sense,anallowance is a child's share of the family income.It can be a good experiencetha

    [单选题]In one sense,anallowance is a child's share of the family income.It can be

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  • In one sense,anallowance is a child's share of the family income.It can be a good experiencetha