
Scientific Attitude

We all know thatscience plays an important role in our society.However,many people believe thatour progress depends on two different aspects of science.The first aspect is

the application ofthe machines,products and systems of knowledge that scientists and technologistsdevelop.The second is the application of the special methods of thought

and action thatscientists use in their work.

What are thesespecial methods of thinking and acting? First of all,it seems that a successfulscientist is curious一hewants to find out how and why the universe works.He

usually paysattention to problems which he notices have no satisfying explanation,and looksfor relationships even if the data available seem to be unconnected.Moreover,he

thinks he canimprove the existing conditions and enjoys trying to solve the problems whichthis involves.

He is a goodobserver, accurate, patient and objective(客观的)and uses the facts he observes to the fullest. For example,trainedobservers obtain a very large amount of

information about astar mainly from the accurate analysis of the simple lines that appear in aspectrum(光谱).

He does not acceptstatements which are not based on the most complete evidence available.Herejects authority as the only basis for truth.Scientists always checkstatements

and make experimentscarefully and objectively.

Furthermore,he doesnot readily accept his own idea,since he knows that man is the least reliableof scientific instmments and that a number of factors tend to disturb


Lastly,he 15 full ofimagination since he often has to look for relationships in data which are notonly complex but also frequently incomplete.Furthermore,he needs

imagination if hewants to guess how processes work and how events take place.

These seem to besome of the ways in which a successful scientist or technologist thinks andacts.Which of thefollowing statements about a curious scientist 15 true?

A.He doesn,t findconfidence and pleasure in work.

B.He 15 interestedin problems that are explained.

C.He makes effertsto investigate potential connections.

D.He looks for newways of acting·



Scientific Attitude<o:p></o:p></p><p class="MsoNormal ">We all kno

[单选题]Scientific AttitudeWe all know thatscience plays an important role in our s

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  • Scientific Attitude<o:p></o:p></p><p class="MsoNormal ">We all kno

    [单选题]Scientific AttitudeWe all know thatscience plays an important role in our s

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  • Scientific Attitude<o:p></o:p></p><p class="MsoNormal ">We all kno

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