
Just one hour'slistening to an MP3 player can damage hearing,claim scientists.It causestemporary changes in hearing sensitivity which may lead to long-term

harm,according to anew study.

The findings showover -stimulation of hair cells within the ear occurs even at varying volumelevels for short periods of time.The study of almost 60 young people carried

out by researchersat Ghent University,Belgium,is published in theArchives of Otolaryngology -Head&Neck Surgery journal.

It follows previouswarnings from doctors that using MP3 players at high volumes with earphonesthat fit into the ear canal could lead to loss of hearing. In the latest study,21

people aged 19 to 28years were exposed to pop and rock music using MP3 players at varying volumesfor one hour. A second group of 28 men and women were a control

group who were notexposed to MP3 music.

Hearing tests werecarried out before and after the exposure,which found significant threshold oremission shifts were observed between almost every session of the noise

exposure groupcompared with the control group.Lead researcher Hannah Kempler saiD.Excessivenoise exposure can lead to metabolic and mechanical effects resulting in

alterations of thestructural elements of the inner ear that contains auditory sensory cellsor"hair cells".

The EuropeanCommission has warned up to 10% of 30-year-old would have to wear a hearingdevice within the next decade because they listen to music too loudly through

headphones.Surveysshowed more than 90% of young people in Europeand the U.S.used MP3 players,often for several hours a day at maximumvolume.Hearing experts

recommend the 60/60rule一listening to MP3players for no more than 60 minutes at a time at 60% of maximum volume.Concernamong EU health and safety officials has

led to plan toensure all MP3 players have the same maximum volume of 85 decibels(dB)一although users may be able to individuallyoverride it at their own risk.

According to thesurveys,most young people in both Europe andthe U.S.used MP3 players for too long hours at maximum volume.



C.Not mentioned



Just one hour'slistening to an MP3 player can damage hearing,claim scientists.It causestemporar

[单选题]Just one hour'slistening to an MP3 player can damage hearing,claim scientis

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  • Just one hour'slistening to an MP3 player can damage hearing,claim scientists.It causestemporar

    [单选题]Just one hour'slistening to an MP3 player can damage hearing,claim scientis

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  • Just one hour'slistening to an MP3 player can damage hearing,claim scientists.It causestemporar

    [单选题]Just one hour'slistening to an MP3 player can damage hearing,claim scientis

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  • Just one hour'slistening to an MP3 player can damage hearing,claim scientists.It causestemporar

    [单选题]Just one hour'slistening to an MP3 player can damage hearing,claim scientis

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  • Just one hour'slistening to an MP3 player can damage hearing,claim scientists.It causestemporar

    [单选题]Just one hour'slistening to an MP3 player can damage hearing,claim scientis

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  • Just one hour'slistening to an MP3 player can damage hearing,claim scientists.It causestemporar

    [单选题]Just one hour'slistening to an MP3 player can damage hearing,claim scientis

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  • Just one hour'slistening to an MP3 player can damage hearing,claim scientists.It causestemporar