
Special Effects

What are specialeffects? Do you enjoy movies that use a lot of special effects Dinosaurs(恐龙) from the distant past?Spacebattles from the distant future!There has been

a revolution inspecial effects,and it has transformed the movies we see.

The revolution beganin the mid 1970s with George Lucas's Star Wars,a film that stunned(使震惊)audiences. That revolutioncontinues to the present, with dramatic

changes inspecial-effects

technology.Thecompany behind these changes is Lucas's Industrial Light&Magic(ILM).And theman behind the company is Dennis Muren,who has worked with Lucas since

Star Wars.

Muren's interest inspecial effects began very early.At the age of 6,he was photographing toydinosaurs and spaceships.At 10,he had an 8 millimeter movie camera and was

making these thingsmove through stop-motion.(Stop-motion is a process in which objects are shotwith a camera, moved slightly,shot again,and so on.When the shots are put

together,the objectsappear to move. )

Talk to Muren andyou'll understand what ILM is all about:taking on new challenges.By 1989,Murendecided he had pushed the old technology as far as it would go.

He saw computergraphics(图像)(CG)technology as the wave of the future and took a year off to master it.

With CGtechnology,images can be scanned into a computer for processing,for example,andmany separate shots can be combined into a single image.CG technology has

now reached thepoint, Muren says,where special effects can be used to do just about anythingso that movies can tell stories better than ever before. The huge success of

Jurassic Park andits sequel(续集),The LostWorld,the Stars of which were computer-generated dinosaurs,suggests that thismay very well be true.Today's filmmakers emphasize special effects at the expense of the story.



C.Not mentioned



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