
Mrs. Henderson speaking.
- _________

A.Who are you?

B.Where are you?

C.This is Brian Murphy and I have some questions to ask

D.You're wrong



Are you feeling better today, Mrs. Willis<br />_________

[单选题]Are you feeling better today, Mrs. Willis_________A.Don't worry about me.B.

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    [单选题]Why did Mrs. Green go to the travel agency?- _________A.By car.B.Yesterday

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    [单选题]Thank you for the wonderful meal, Mrs. Hanson. - _________A.Oh, I don't thi

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    [单选题]You've given us a wonderful dinner, Mrs. Miller.- _________A.I'm glad you e

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    [单选题]Why was Mrs. Green surprised? __________ .A. Because her husband didn’t arrived the airport on timeB. Because her husband was still at the airport at 5 o’clockC. Because her husband didn’t want to go to London

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  • Mrs. Robson had lived in the house _____

    [单选题]Mrs. Robson had lived in the house ______.A. since she had sold her flatB. for less than a decadeC. . since she had been bornD. for more than ten years

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  • Mrs. Smith was so ___ about everything ?


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  • Mrs. Henderson speaking.<br />- _________