
That company doesn't take credit cards, so customers have to pay ______.







Network management system doesn't have w

[单选题]Network management system doesn't have which?()A . billing&chargingB . All technologyC . multi vendor

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  • ______ in this way,the situation doesn't

    [单选题]______ in this way,the situation doesn't seem so ?______inthisway,thesituationdoesn'tseemsodisappointing.A)TolookatB)LookingatC)LookedatD)Tobelookedat

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  • She likes Mike a lot, but she doesn't want to get married so early

    [问答题]She likes Mike a lot, but she doesn't want to get married so early

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  • Our son doesn't know what to _______ ? -

    [单选题]Our son doesn't know what to _______ ?.Oursondoesn'tknowwhatto_______attheuniversity;hecan'tmakeuphismindabouthisfuture.A)takeinB)takeupC)takeoverD)takeafter

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  • Not that John doesn't want to help you,

    [试题]Not that John doesn't want to help you, _____ it'sNotthatJohndoesn'twanttohelpyou,_____it'sbeyondhispower.(A)butthat(B)forthat(C)andthat(D)inthat

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  • He doesn't like______ (tomato).

    [主观题]H.e doesn't like______ (tomato).

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  • Peter doesn't like eating chocolate. It

    [主观题]Peter doesn't like eating chocolate. It tastes too s _________ .

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  • The teacher doesn't permit______________in class.

    [单选题]The teacher doesn't permit______________in class.A.smokeB.smokesC.to have a

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  • The teacher doesn't permit_____in class.

    [单选题]The teacher doesn't permit_____in class.A.smokeB.smokesC.to have asmokeD.sm

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  • He'll come if it doesn't rain tomorrow.

    [问答题]He'll come if it doesn't rain tomorrow.

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  • That company doesn't take credit cards, so customers have to pay ______.