
Chinese citizensover the age of 18 are [eligible] to vote.







Chinese citizensover the age of 18 are [eligible] to vote.

[单选题]Chinese citizensover the age of 18 are [eligible] to vote.A.encouragedB.enf

  • 查看答案
  • You will be [eligible]to vote next year.

    [单选题]You will be [eligible]to vote next year.A.competentB.possibleC.enoughD. all

  • 查看答案
  • The number of the United Statescitizens who are [eligible] to vote continues to increase.

    [单选题]The number of the United Statescitizens who are [eligible] to vote continue

  • 查看答案
  • The number of the United Statescitizens who are [eligible] to vote continues to increase.

    [单选题]The number of the United Statescitizens who are [eligible] to vote continue

  • 查看答案
  • The number of theUnited Statescitizens who are [eligible] to vote continues to increase.

    [单选题]The number of theUnited Statescitizens who are [eligible] to vote continues

  • 查看答案
  • He was not [eligible]for the examination because he was over age.

    [单选题]He was not [eligible]for the examination because he was over age.A.competit

  • 查看答案
  • People who are entitled to _vote_ (vote)

    [主观题]People who are entitled to _vote_ (vote) should be over eighteen.

  • 查看答案
  • A final _____ was the faulty analysis of the vote in the primary election.

    [单选题]A final _____ was the faulty analysis of the vote in the primary election.A

  • 查看答案
  • You could be [eligible]for a university scholarship.

    [单选题]You could be [eligible]for a university scholarship.A.applyingB.rejectedC.q

  • 查看答案
  • Only those over 70are [eligible] for the special payment.

    [单选题]Only those over 70are [eligible] for the special payment.A.competitiveB.dil

  • 查看答案
  • Chinese citizensover the age of 18 are [eligible] to vote.