
At the beginning he refused to take any responsibility but he had to end up by ________.

A.to apologize






At the beginning he refused to take any responsibility but he had to end up by _____.

[单选题]At the beginning he refused to take any responsibility but he had to end up

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  • At the beginning he refused to take any responsibility but he had to end up by_____

    [单选题]At the beginning he refused to take any responsibility but he had to end up

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  • After that he knew he could any emergenc

    [单选题]A.fter that he knew he could any emergency by doing what be could to the best of his ability.A.get away withB.get on withC.get throughD.get across

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  • After that, he knew he could any emergen

    [单选题]A.fter that, he knew he could any emergency by doing what be could to the best of his ability.A.get away withB.get on withC.get throughD.get across

  • 查看答案
  • He said he had no difficulty ______the b

    [单选题]H.e said he had no difficulty ______the boat himself.A. mendingB. to mendC. in mendingD. A and C

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  • He claimed that he had a wonderful job and was well paid, but his mother knew that he had made it al

    [单选题]He claimed that he had a wonderful job and was well paid, but his mother kn

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  • He didn't live up to______had been expected of him.

    [单选题]He didn't live up to______had been expected of him.A.what B.which C.that D.

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  • Had he worked harder, he __________ 怎么选择

    [单选题]Had he worked harder, he __________ 怎么选择H.adheworkedharder,he__________theexams.A.)musthavegotthroughB)wouldhavegotthroughC.)permittedarefreshmenD)arepermittedfreshmen

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  • He said that he had turned the main engi

    [单选题]He said that he had turned the main engine one complete revolution with the ().A . turning gearB . steering gearC . spur gearD . chain gear

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  • He looked [uneasy]and refused to answer questions.

    [单选题]He looked [uneasy]and refused to answer questions.A.difficultB.worriedC.anx

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  • At the beginning he refused to take any responsibility but he had to end up by ________.