
As we all know, hundreds of children in Africa lose their young lives every day.



We find it _____ to do morning exercises every day.

[单选题]We find it _____ to do morning exercises every day.A.helpfulB.thankfulC.won

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  • The windows of our office ______ every day.

    [单选题]The windows of our office ______ every day.A.is cleanedB.are cleanedC.are c

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  • I take a walk in the early morning every day.

    [问答题]I take a walk in the early morning every day.

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  • Best________(祝愿) for Children's Day.

    [主观题]B.est________(祝愿) for Children's Day.

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  • I [stroll] aroundthe park for an hour after dinner every day.

    [单选题]I [stroll] aroundthe park for an hour after dinner every day.A.runB.rollC.w

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  • We all know that humans are damaging the

    [单选题]We all know that humans are damaging the environment,but what can we do about it?Some people are trying to do their bit to be more environmentally friendly.Local councils in Britain encourage certain aspects of green living,such as recycling paper,ti

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  • E Every day we experiencc one of the won

    [单选题]E.E.very day we experiencc one of the wonders of the world around us without even realizing it It is not the amszing complexity of television. Nor the impressive tcchnology of transport The universal wonder we share andE.xperience is our ability to m

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  • She's been [deliberately]ignoring him all day.

    [单选题]She's been [deliberately]ignoring him all day.A.sufficientlyB.noticeablyC.i

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  • She's been [deliberately]ignoring him all day.

    [单选题]She's been [deliberately]ignoring him all day.A.sufficientlyB.noticeablyC.i

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  • I think we had a very successful day. <br />- _________

    [单选题]I think we had a very successful day. - _________A.Nor did IB.I am worriedC

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  • As we all know, hundreds of children in Africa lose their young lives every day.