
Some cities have planned their transportation systems for car owners. That is what Los Angeles did. Los Angeles decided to build highways for cars rather than spending money on public transportation.
This decision was suitable for Los Angeles. The city grew outward instead of upward. Los Angeles never built many tall apartment buildings. Instead, people live in houses with gardens.
In Los Angeles, most people drive cars to work. And every car has to have a parking space. So many buildings where people work also have parking lots.
Los Angeles also became a city without a Central Business District (CBD.. If a city has a CBD, crowds of people rush into it every day to work. If people drive to work, they need lots of road space.
So Los Angeles developed several business districts and built homes and other buildings in between the districts. This required more roads and parking spaces.
Some people defend this growth pattern. They say Los Angeles is the city of the future.
According to the growth pattern of Los Angeles, homes were mainly built _____ .

A.in the city center

B.along the main roads

C.around Business Districts

D.within the Business Districts



Some cities have planned their transportation systems for car owners. That is what Los Angeles did.

[单选题]Some cities have planned their transportation systems for car owners. That

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  • Some cities have planned their transportation systems for car owners. That is what Los Angeles did.

    [单选题]Some cities have planned their transportation systems for car owners. That

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  • Some cities have planned their transportation systems for car owners. That is what Los Angeles did.

    [单选题]Some cities have planned their transportation systems for car owners. That

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  • Some cities have planned their transportation systems for car owners. That is what Los Angeles did.

    [单选题]Some cities have planned their transportation systems for car owners. That

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  • Some cities have planned their transportation systems for car owners. That is what Los Angeles did.