
He doesn't dare to leave the house _____he should be recognized.

A.in case



D.so that



He doesn't like______ (tomato).

[主观题]H.e doesn't like______ (tomato).

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  • Does he speak English or Russian? - He doesn't speak_________.

    [单选题]Does he speak English or Russian? - He doesn't speak_________.A.eitherB.nei

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  • He doesn't like the way you talk to him

    [问答题]He doesn't like the way you talk to him

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  • He'll come if it doesn't rain tomorrow.

    [问答题]He'll come if it doesn't rain tomorrow.

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  • B Mike is an English boy. He doesn't oft

    [单选题]B.Mike is an English boy. He doesn't often look after(照料) his things well. And he never(从不) put them away. Look! His things are everywhere in the room. The pencil case and some books are on the bed. The kite(风筝) is under the desk. The soccer ball is

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    [单选题]Tom likes swimming, but he doesn't like playing basketball.________A.So do

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  • Jim has a great sense of humor, doesn't he<br />_________

    [单选题]Jim has a great sense of humor, doesn't he_________A.No. He is humorous.B.Y

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  • ______ in this way,the situation doesn't

    [单选题]______ in this way,the situation doesn't seem so ?______inthisway,thesituationdoesn'tseemsodisappointing.A)TolookatB)LookingatC)LookedatD)Tobelookedat

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  • Our son doesn't know what to _______ ? -

    [单选题]Our son doesn't know what to _______ ?.Oursondoesn'tknowwhatto_______attheuniversity;hecan'tmakeuphismindabouthisfuture.A)takeinB)takeupC)takeoverD)takeafter

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  • Not that John doesn't want to help you,

    [试题]Not that John doesn't want to help you, _____ it'sNotthatJohndoesn'twanttohelpyou,_____it'sbeyondhispower.(A)butthat(B)forthat(C)andthat(D)inthat

  • 查看答案
  • He doesn't dare to leave the house _____he should be recognized.