
-Is it ok if I take this seat我可以坐这个座位吗?

A..Here you are

B..take it.

C..It’s taken

D.never mind.



Is it OK if I take this seat?<br />- Sorry, _______

[单选题]Is it OK if I take this seat?- Sorry, _______A.here you are.B.take it.C.it'

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  • 21£­Is it OK to take this seat? £­Sorry.

    [单选题]21-Is it OK to take this seat?-Sorry. _______A. here you are B. take itC. it’s taken D. never mind

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  • -Is it ok if I take this seat我可以坐这个座位吗?<br />-Sorry,_.不好意思,有人了。