
A friend of mine, teaching abroad, was immensely amused by the question, "Are English peasants allowed to go to the theatre?" Anybody who can pay for a 21 may go to the theatre in England, though only two percent choose to do so. This is not because theatres are expensive, 22 because most people prefer to watch television, football matches or to gamble.
The word "peasant" is not used in England, except as an insult or as a joke. We have no peasant class, only 23 laborers. We do not have a system, as in other parts of Europe, 24 people inherit a small piece of 25 and work it for substance. We have farms, which can employ laborers for wages. Such people are 26 as "agricultural workers". They are not highly paid out but they can manage to live fairly well.
Farming is becoming more 27 . These days young men starting work on the farm are expected to spend some more time at agriculture college to learn how to do the job 28 . English agriculture is very 29 and we are now self-sufficing in grain: 30 , we have a surplus, which is stored by the Common Market and which we have to pay to store, through our taxes.







A friend of mine, teaching abroad, was immensely amused by the question, "Are English peasants

[单选题]A friend of mine, teaching abroad, was immensely amused by the question, "A

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  • A friend of mine, teaching abroad, was immensely amused by the question, "Are English peasants

    [单选题]A friend of mine, teaching abroad, was immensely amused by the question, "A

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  • A friend of mine, teaching abroad, was immensely amused by the question, "Are English peasants

    [单选题]A friend of mine, teaching abroad, was immensely amused by the question, "A

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  • A friend of mine, teaching abroad, was immensely amused by the question, "Are English peasants

    [单选题]A friend of mine, teaching abroad, was immensely amused by the question, "A

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  • A friend of mine, teaching abroad, was immensely amused by the question, "Are English peasants

    [单选题]A friend of mine, teaching abroad, was immensely amused by the question, "A

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  • A friend of mine, teaching abroad, was immensely amused by the question, "Are English peasants

    [单选题]A friend of mine, teaching abroad, was immensely amused by the question, "A

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  • A friend of mine, teaching abroad, was immensely amused by the question, "Are English peasants

    [单选题]A friend of mine, teaching abroad, was immensely amused by the question, "A

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  • A friend of mine, teaching abroad, was immensely amused by the question, "Are English peasants

    [单选题]A friend of mine, teaching abroad, was immensely amused by the question, "A

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  • 第三部分、完形填空</p>A friend of mine, teaching abroad, was immensely amused by the question, "Ar

    [单选题]第三部分、完形填空A friend of mine, teaching abroad, was immensely amused by the que

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  • I had lunch with a friend of mine.

    [问答题]I had lunch with a friend of mine.

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  • A friend of mine, teaching abroad, was immensely amused by the question, "Are English peasants