
--A:Let′s go to the movie tonight.
--B:I′d like to. but I have to study for an exam.
In the conversation above, B′s decline of the proposal is categorized as a kindof__________.

A.illocutionary act

B.perlocutionary act

C.propositional condition

D.sincerity condition



We are going to have a singing party tonight. Would you like to join us?<br/>- ________

[单选题]We are going to have a singing party tonight. Would you like to join us?- _

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  • We are going to have a sing party tonight. Would you like to join us? <br/>__________

    [单选题]We are going to have a sing party tonight. Would you like to join us? _____

  • 查看答案
  • –Let's go to a movie after work, OK?<br/>–______

    [单选题]–Let's go to a movie after work, OK?–______A.Not at all. B.Why not? C.Never

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  • Would you mind lending me your car tonight <br />_________ I have to study anyway, so I won�

    [单选题]Would you mind lending me your car tonight _________ I have to study anyway

  • 查看答案
  • I hear you got through your exam. Congratulations!<br />- _________

    [单选题]I hear you got through your exam. Congratulations!- _________A.No. I didn't

  • 查看答案
  • — I’d really like to. I’ll talk to you s

    [单选题]— I’d really like to. I’ll talk to you soon, Debbie. I’m glad I ran into you.—65

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  • I was wondering if you'd like to come over tonight.<br />- _________

    [单选题]I was wondering if you'd like to come over tonight.- _________A.Yes, last n

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  • I heard you got a full mark in the English exam. Congratulations!<br />- _________

    [单选题]I heard you got a full mark in the English exam. Congratulations!- ________

  • 查看答案
  • –I have passed the English exam.我已经通过英语考试。<br />-_.Congratulations.真棒!祝贺你。

    [单选题]–I have passed the English exam.我已经通过英语考试。-_.Congratulations.真棒!祝贺你。A..Sorr

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  • That's a beautiful cat. I wonder who it belongs to. <br />- _________

    [单选题]That's a beautiful cat. I wonder who it belongs to. - _________A.It belongs

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  • --A:Let′s go to the movie tonight. <br />--B:I′d like to. but I have to study for an exam. <