
The old man has developed a( )headache which cannot be cured in a short time.







The old man has developed a( )headache which cannot be cured in a short time.

[单选题]The old man has developed a( )headache which cannot be cured in a short tim

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  • The old man has developed a( )headache which cannot be cured in a short time.

    [单选题]The old man has developed a( )headache which cannot be cured in a short tim

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  • To tell you thetruth,it is beyond my [capacity] to finish the task in so short a time.

    [单选题]To tell you thetruth,it is beyond my [capacity] to finish the task in so sh

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  • We came finally ______ the conclusion that she has beentelling lies all the time.

    [单选题]We came finally ______ the conclusion that she has beentelling lies all the

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  • We came finally _________ the conclusion that she has been telling lies all the time.

    [单选题]We came finally _________ the conclusion that she has been telling lies all

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  • We came finally _________ the conclusion that she has been telling lies all the time.

    [单选题]We came finally _________ the conclusion that she has been telling lies all

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  • We came finally_______the conclusion that she has been telling lies all the time.

    [单选题]We came finally_______the conclusion that she has been telling lies all the

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  • Ethosuzimide, which was developed in the

    [单选题]E.thosuzimide, which was developed in the 1950s, is commonly used to treat epilepsy, though it is no known precisely how the drug controls convulsions. There is no anecdotal evidence that it has had an anti-aglng effect in people. The next step, Komf

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  • _____ late next time.

    [单选题]_____ late next time.A.NotB.Not beC.Don't beD.Don't

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  • We must arrive there on time.

    [问答题]We must arrive there on time.

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  • The old man has developed a( )headache which cannot be cured in a short time.