
The Cooperative Principle is proposed by ( ).







The Cooperative Principle is proposed by ( ).

[单选题]The Cooperative Principle is proposed by ( ).A.SaussureB.GriceC.ChomskyD.Le

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  • Which one of the following maxims is not included in the Cooperative Principle?( )

    [单选题]Which one of the following maxims is not included in the Cooperative Princi

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  • Which of the following doesn′t belong to the Cooperative Principle?( )

    [单选题]Which of the following doesn′t belong to the Cooperative Principle?( )A.The

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  • Which one of the following maxims is not included in the Cooperative Principle?( )

    [单选题]Which one of the following maxims is not included in the Cooperative Princi

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  • 英译中:Cooperative buying

    [名词解释] 英译中:Cooperative buying

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  • The Cooperative Principles were put forward by( ).

    [单选题]The Cooperative Principles were put forward by( ).A.John Langshaw AustinB.J

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  • the method Gandhi proposed and practiced

    [试题]the method Gandhi proposed and practiced, first evolved in South Africa, was a sort of non-violent warfare, a way of defeating the enemy without hurting him and without feeling or arousing hatred.

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  • Cooperative learning emphasizes on _________ and collective responsibility.

    [单选题]Cooperative learning emphasizes on _________ and collective responsibility.

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  • According to the principle of CRC calcul

    [单选题]A.ccording to the principle of CRC calculation, given a frame-bit series M=11100111 and the multiple-term formula, frame-bit series generated by the CRC G=110011, then the CRC isA.111101B.00011C.11010011D.1101001

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  • The principle for a stack memory to stor

    [单选题]The principle for a stack memory to store data isA.FIFOB.FILOC.randomD.other way

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  • The Cooperative Principle is proposed by ( ).