









[单选题]David手术是指()A . 升主动脉人工血管替换和主动脉瓣置换术B . 升主动脉、主动脉窦置换保留主动脉瓣C . 升主动脉、主动脉瓣置换和冠状动脉开口移植术D . 主动脉瓣置换、升主动脉置换,冠状动脉开口与细人工血管吻合后再吻合至升主动脉上E . 自体肺动脉瓣移植至主动脉瓣位置,同种主动脉瓣置换至肺动脉瓣位置

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  • David Copperfield is a novel by ______.

    [单选题]D.avid Copperfield is a novel by ______.A.Charles DickensB.William M. ThackerayC.George EliotD.Mrs. Gaskell

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  • David threatened ______ his neighbor to

    [单选题]D.avid threatened ______ his neighbor to the police if the damages were not paid.A. to be reported B. reporting C. to report D. having reported

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  • The professor asked a question,and David

    [单选题]The professor asked a question,and David______a good answer.A.put up withB.stood up forC.came up withD.looked down upon

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  • Professor David Morton of the department

    [单选题]Professor David Morton of the department is involved ______animal research and is concerned ______reducing animal suffering as much as possible.A. to…withB. in…inC. with…inD. in…with

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  • 2001年美国David先生去世了,David先生个人财产240万美元,David太太个人财产50万美元,David夫妇夫妻共同财产120万美元,统一抵免额没有使用过。David先生的遗嘱是将他的财产


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  • 急症手术是指()限期手术是指()择期手术是指()

    [配伍题,B型题] 急症手术是指()限期手术是指()择期手术是指()A .因发热或月经来潮推迟手术B .手术早晚不影响效果C .在最短的时间内进行必要的准备,迅速实施手术D .在充分的术前准备后进行手术E .在尽可能短的时间内做好术前准备后再手术

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  • What is David probably going to do?

    [单选题]What is David probably going to do?A.To meet Linda. B.To call a doctor. C.To get some medicine.

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  • Vicki became suspicious of David Bieber

    [单选题]Vicki became suspicious of David Bieber because 。A. the police called herB. he looked very strangeC. he came to the hotel with little luggageD. he came to the hotel the day before New Year’s Eve

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  • David Bieber was most probably handcuffe

    [单选题]D.avid Bieber was most probably handcuffed in 。A. the passage B. the man’s roomC. Vicki’s bedroom D. the top floor room

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  • David手术是指