
Do you have a dream-something that you've always seen yourself doing? Perhaps you see yourself as an actor, business owner, or even a CEO. Whatever dream God has given you, don’t let it die.A dream is a wonderful thing. It can give you hope for your future and encourage you to try when all odds are against you. But be-ware, there are dream killers that want to snuff the life out of your dream. Don't let them do it!People who can't or don't want to see your dream fulfilled can kill your dream. They may tell you that it is impossible for you, that you are not smart enough or that it's never been done before. However, many times the biggest dream killer is you.Don't let fear, threat, doubt, lack of finances, etc. tell you that you can't fulfill your dream.Talk back to these killers. Tell them, "I can and will fulfill my destiny, my dream.” You may have to do this every day, but that's ok. The more you instill within your heart that you can do it, your dream will be held safe within you.It is very important to take steps towards fulfilling your dream. For me, in order to fulfill my dream of one-day owning my own magazine, I needed to go back to school and finish my college degree. For you, it may be something different. You know deep inside what the voice of your dream calls for. Don't be afraid, just do it. Try not to let too much time go by. Time is another one of those dream killers.Meditate on the words of a song by Yolanda Adams, “Keep the dream alive, don’t let it die, it’s something deep inside, keeps inspiring me to try, don't stop and never give up, don't ever give up on you. Sometimes, life can place a stumbling block in your way, but you've got to keep the faith."When you dream, dream BIG, and never give up. There's no law that says you have to dream small. Your dream is just that, yours. Never let anyone tell you that your dream can't happen, it can! Nurture your dream. Keep seeing yourself do what's never been done before. As you continue to feed your dream and protect it, not only will you keep it alive, but it has no other choice but to come forth! Which of the following statement about dream is INCORRECT? ( )



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