
Pocket money is one of the first ways for children to learn the basics of __41__ (manage) money—a skill they'll definitely need for life—and it makes children feel __42__ (dependent). Equally, if your family finances or values mean you’d rather not give pocket money that is also an important lesson for your children.Generally, children learn their __43__ (attitude) towards money from home. __44__ (give) pocket money creates the opportunity to teach children about spending __45__ (thoughtful) and saving (and even the consequences of misplacing it, losing it, betting or giving money away). Regardless of the amount of money, giving pocket money to children as young as four or five __46__ (help) them to begin learning about money __47__ (manage). Pocket money also helps teach children about having to make choices, __48__ (save) up and waiting for things they want.Letting your children make a few mistakes is part of the learning process. You can put __49__ (limit) on what they spend their money on—for example, you might discourage them from __50___ (buy) bubblegum if you want to protect their teeth from decay.



School-going children need pocket money for food, stationery and bus fares. Parents give pocket mone

[问答题]School-going children need pocket money for food, stationery and bus fares.

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  • Pocket money is one of the first ways for children to learn the basics of __41__ (manage) money—a sk