
Functional testing tests whether the output is the expected( )with the valid input.







Functional testing tests whether the ou

[单选题]Functional testing tests whether the output is the expected (71) with the valid input.(71) A.reasonB.resultC.outcomeD.record

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  • Functional testing tests whether the out

    [单选题]F.unctional testing tests whether the output is the expected(71)with the valid input.A.reasonB.resultC.outcomeD.record

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  • Functional testing tests whether the out

    [单选题]F.unctional testing tests whether the output is the expected(75)with the valid input.A.reasonB.resultC.outcomeD.record

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  • 在下列程序中:Program test(input,output);var i

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  • Functional testing tests whether the output is the expected( )with the valid input.