
Users also need systems to help them explore the web and discover ( ) interesting data sources and interfaces that support different query and search paradigms.







Users also need(71)systems to help them

[单选题]Users also need(71)systems to help them explore the web and discover interesting data sources and interfaces that support different query and search paradigms.A.negativeB.adaptiveC.passiveD.adaption

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  • Users also need (71) systems to help th

    [单选题]Users also need (71) systems to help them explore the web and discover interesting data sources and interfaces that support different query and search paradigms.(71) A.negativeB.adaptiveC.passiveD.adaption

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    [试题]mother needed help. So I helped them going to _________82

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  • offer the help to which you need, or can

    [主观题]offer the help to which you need, or can at least give you 83. ____________

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  • Currently 94% of Web users use either In

    [单选题]C.urrently 94% of Web users use either Internet Explorer or Firefox, but recently some new(71) have been developed that are beginning to attract attention. The browser Opera is becoming very(72) because of its speed, it is currently the world's fast

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  • Users also need systems to help them explore the web and discover ( ) interesting data sources and i