
ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode)technology combines connection orientedmechanism and ( ) mechanism.







异步转移模式,ATM(Asynchronous Transfer Mode)是一

[判断题] 异步转移模式,ATM(Asynchronous Transfer Mode)是一种快速分组交换的传输方式。A . 正确B . 错误

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  • Each Cell of Asynchronous Transfer Mode

    [单选题]E.ach Cell of Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) has fix length.How long is it ?A.50BB.51BC.52BD.53B

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  • 阅读以下说明,回答下面问题。(说明) 在atm(asynchronous tra

    [主观题]阅读以下说明,回答下面问题。(说明)在atm(asynchronous transfer mode)传输模式中,信息被组织成信元,因包含来自某用户信息的各个信元不需要周期性出现,这种传输模式是异步的。由于atm技术简化了交换过程,去处了不必要的数据校验,采用易于处理的固定信元格式。lane指的是lan emulation over atm,即在atm网上进行lan局域网的模拟。大多数数据目前都是lan上传送,例如ethernet等。在atm网上应用lane技术,我们就可以把分布不同区域网互联起来

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  • Asynchronous异步

    [名词解释] Asynchronous异步

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  • The methods used in Asynchronous Transfe

    [单选题]The methods used in Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)are switch technology and(17)is used to describe this mode.A.cell exchangeB.message exchangeC.information exchangeD.packet exchange

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  • The methods used in Asynchronous Transfe

    [单选题]The methods used in Asynchronous Transfer Mode(ATM)are switch technology and(72)is used to describe this mode.A.cell exchangeB.message exchangeC.information exchangeD.packet exchange

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  • A disk scheduling mechanism in an opera

    [单选题]A disk scheduling mechanism in an operating system causes the disk arm to sweepbackand forth across the disk Surface servicing all requests in its path.This is a (73) .(73) A.First Come First ServeB.Shortest Seek Time FirstC.ScanD.None of the above

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  • A disk scheduling mechanism in an operat

    [单选题]A. disk scheduling mechanism in an operatingsystem causes the disk arm to sweepback and forth across the disk surface servicing all requests in its path. This is aA.First Come First ServeB.Shortest Seek Time FirstC.ScanD.None of the above

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  • A disk scheduling mechanism in an opera

    [单选题]A disk scheduling mechanism in an operating system causes the disk arm to sweepback and forth across the disk surface servicing all requests in its path. This is a () :()A. First Come First Serve B. Shortest Seek Tn-ne FirstC. Scan D. None of the abo

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  • Firewall is a ___(74)___ mechanism use

    [单选题] Firewall is a ___(74)___ mechanism used by organizations to protect their LANs fromInternet.(74)A. reliable B. stable C. peaceful D. security

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  • ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode)technology combines connection orientedmechanism and ( ) mechanism.