
If a country has regulations in place that conflict with GIPS, firms that wish to claim GIPS compliance:

A.May not do so because GIPS do not permit exceptions or partial compliance.

B.Must establish a subsidiary in a location where local law does not conflict with GIPS.

C.Must comply with local regulations and disclose the nature of the conflict in the presentation.



Firms that claim to present investment performance in compliance with GIPS are required to:

[单选题]Firms that claim to present investment performance in compliance with GIPS

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  • Firms claiming compliance with the GIPS Standards are least likely to be required to:

    [单选题]Firms claiming compliance with the GIPS Standards are least likely to be re

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  • According to the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS), firms must do all of the following

    [单选题]According to the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS), firms must

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  • Firms claiming GIPS compliance must make every reasonable effort to provide a compliant presentation

    [单选题]Firms claiming GIPS compliance must make every reasonable effort to provide

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  • In order to comply with the GIPS Standards, a firm must initially show GIPS-compliant history for a

    [单选题]In order to comply with the GIPS Standards, a firm must initially show GIPS

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  • Verification of compliance with GIPS:

    [单选题]Verification of compliance with GIPS:A.May be performed on single composite

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  • GIPS的特点主要有( )。Ⅰ. GIPS非强制,属于自愿参与性质,并代表业绩报

    [单选题]G.IPS的特点主要有( )。Ⅰ. GIPS非强制,属于自愿参与性质,并代表业绩报告的最低标准Ⅱ.GIPS标准包含两套Ⅲ.为了防止机构仅展示业绩良好的组合,GIPS规定投资管理机构应将所有可自由支配于预期投资策略及收取管理费的组合,根据相同策略或投资目标,纳入至少一个以上的组合群Ⅳ.除成立未满5年的投资管理机构外,所有机构必须汇报至少5年以上符合GIPS的业绩,并于此后每年更新业绩,一直汇报至20年以上的业绩Ⅴ.GIPS依赖于输入数据的真实性与准确性A.Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ、ⅤB.Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、ⅤC.Ⅰ、Ⅲ

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  • According to the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS):

    [单选题]According to the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS):A.Composite

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  • Which of the following policies is required to comply with GIPS?

    [单选题]Which of the following policies is required to comply with GIPS?A.Complianc

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  • Which of the following definitions of a firm would violate GIPS?

    [单选题]Which of the following definitions of a firm would violate GIPS?A.Investmen

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  • If a country has regulations in place that conflict with GIPS, firms that wish to claim GIPS complia