
Tamlorn Mager, CFA, is an analyst at Pyallup Portfolio Management. CFA Institute recently notifiedMager that his CFA Institute membership was suspended for a year because he violated the CFA Institute Code of Ethics. A hearing panel also came to the same conclusion. Mager subsequently notified CFA Institute that he does not accept the sanction or the hearing panel's conclusion. Whichof the following actions by Mager would be most consistent with the CFA Institute Professional Conduct Program?

A.Providing evidence for his position to an outside arbitration panel

B.Using his CFA designation upon expiration of the suspension period

C.Presenting himself to the public as a CFA charterholder



Tamlorn Mager, CFA, is an analyst at Pyallup Portfolio Management. CFA Institute recently notified M

[单选题]Tamlorn Mager, CFA, is an analyst at Pyallup Portfolio Management. CFA Inst

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  • Tamlorn Mager, CFA, is an analyst at Pyallup Portfolio Management. CFA Institute recently notifiedMa