
The term (maturity) of a forward rate agreement is 90 days and the underlying rate is 180-day LIBOR. If 180-day LIBOR increases over the term (life) of the contract, which of the following best describes the descriptive notation for the contract and the party receiving payment at expiration, respectively?
Descriptive notation  Party receiving payment at expiration

A.3×6      Long

B.3×9      Long

C.3×6      Short



A forward rate agreement (FRA) that expires in 180 days and is based on 90-day LIBOR is quoted at 2.

[单选题]A forward rate agreement (FRA) that expires in 180 days and is based on 90-

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  • The term (maturity) of a forward rate agreement is 90 days and the underlying rate is 180-day LIBOR.