
赔不是péi bú shì



爱不释手ài bù shì shǒu

[名词解释] 爱不释手ài bù shì shǒu

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  • 美不胜收měi bù shèng shōu

    [名词解释] 美不胜收měi bù shèng shōu

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  • (b) (i) Discuss the main factors that sh

    [试题](b) (i) Discuss the main factors that should be taken into account when determining how to treat gains andlosses arising on tangible non-current assets in a single statement of financial performance. (8 marks)

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  • 哀兵必胜 āi bīnɡ bì shânɡ

    [名词解释] 哀兵必胜 āi bīnɡ bì shânɡ

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  • 百折不挠bǎi shé bú náo

    [名词解释] 百折不挠bǎi shé bú náo

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  • 搬弄是非bān nòng shì fēi

    [名词解释] 搬弄是非bān nòng shì fēi

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  • 不为已甚bù wéi yǐ shèn

    [名词解释] 不为已甚bù wéi yǐ shèn

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  • 筛子shāi zi

    [名词解释] 筛子shāi zi

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  • 尸骸shī hái

    [名词解释] 尸骸shī hái

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  • 威慑wēi shè

    [名词解释] 威慑wēi shè

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  • 赔不是péi bú shì