[名词解释] 胡子拉碴hú zi lü chü
[单选题]C.Kong Zi called Confucius(551-479 B.C.).and Soerates(469 B.C.)lived only a hundred years apart,and during their lifetimes there was no contact between China and Greece, but it is interesting on look at how the world that each of there great philosop
[单选题]原煤斗应有坚固完整的箅子,在运行中不准将箅子拿掉。检修中如需将箅子取下则须设临时遮栏,防止()掉入煤斗。A . 工具B . 检修设备C . 大型部件D . 工作人员
[单选题]原煤斗应有完整的箅子,在运行中不准将箅子拿掉。检修中如需将箅子取下则须设临时遮栏,防止()掉入煤斗。A . 工具B . 检修设备C . 工作人员
[名词解释] 幌子huǎnɡ zi